

Morten Krogvold tar bilder han liker, og han tar dem for seg selv. Han er overbevist om at vi alle er en del av et menneskelig fellesskap – han fotograferer for den delen av seg som også er en del av andre.



I believe that we are all part of a human community. My photos are for the part of me that also is a part of others.

Photography is a caption of time. A photo is all that remains of us when we are gone. Creating a photograph is connecting with another person’s mortality, vulnerability, and impermanence. By isolating and freezing the moment, the photograph bears witness to the inexorable passage of time.

I try to photograph my own life experience. I don’t pay much attention to how “attractive” a motive is, but on how it is revealed by the light. A photograph should not strive to be a depiction of the motive, but to evoke a certain emotion in the observer.



A good portrait depicts a meeting between to forces. The tension I experience during a session doesn’t compare to anything.

Body movement

The fluidity of motion reveals hidden emotions. Each movement tells a story, capturing the raw and unfiltered essence of human experience.


Time is the central theme in my photographs. I am focused on capturing the eternal, not the modern or trendy.

Women CARE

From 2000 to 2006, I traveled extensively across Asia, Africa, South America, and Europe to portray women and their situation.


Photographs 1977–2017

Enjoy a presentation of my photos with music from Celadon by Maja S. K. Ratkje.